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Products and Services Overview

Measurement Engineering Services
  • On-Board Data Acquisition

  • Data Analysis and Digital Signal Processing

  • Strain Gage Installation and Measurements

  • Strain Gage Rosette Analysis

  • Experimental Stress Analysis

  • Custom Transducer Design and Fabrication

  • Wheel Force Transducer Design/Support

  • Data Acquisition System Selection and Evaluation

  • Sensor Selection and Evaluation



Midwest Dynamics provides specialized measurement engineering services including strain gage installation and measurements, experimental stress analysis, selection and evaluation of instrumentation and sensors, transducer design, on-board data acquisition, and data analysis.


We apply our measurement engineering experience to projects such as determination of design loads, CAE model support, durability test inputs, machine dynamics, fatigue analysis, problem solving, and engineering investigations.


The success of these projects starts with accurate and properly measured test data, which is exactly what Midwest Dynamics will provide for you.

Custom Transducers and Instrumented Bolts


When you need to obtain loads information such as the tension in a fastener, the forces on a suspension link, or the bending moment on a machine component, Midwest Dynamics can help you.  We have many years of experience designing and building specialized multi-direction transducers to measure the loads information that you need.  When it is important not to disturb the mass and stiffness of your system, we can apply strain gages to existing components and calibrate for desired forces and moments.  With Midwest Dynamics, those hard to obtain loads, which are often critical to your product development process, are within reach.

Short Courses

We offer two-day comprehensive continuing education short courses in engineering measurements, digital data acquisition, and custom transducer development. Our courses thoroughly cover the entire measurement process from understanding and selecting sensors, to setting up data acquisition systems, to collecting data in the field, and analyzing the data in the office.  You will also receive in-depth training in strain gages and will be taught how to design, build, and calibrate your own custom strain gage force transducers from the actual components of your vehicles and machines.


CAE Model Inputs


Computer models/dynamic simulations are only as good as the data and parameters that go into them.  In this all-important area of product development, Midwest Dynamics can help you improve the quality and accuracy of your digital prototypes.  We effectively bring real world aspects of testing into your computer simulation environment, resulting in better digital prototypes, less redesign, and fewer surprises when you move into physical prototyping.  The following are specific capabilities that Midwest Dynamics offers:


  • On and Off Road Terrain Profiles

  • Dynamic Stiffness and Damping Properties of Tires

  • Correlation of Test Data and Analysis Results



Customized Training at Your Facility

A key consideration is that Midwest Dynamics will come to your facility to deliver training, resulting in significant savings of travel expenses.  Get more of your staff trained within your professional development budget.  Class sizes of 4 to 16 can be accommodated.  Class size is limited to 16 students to preserve the effectiveness of the workshops.  

Given the modular design of the course, custom content classes from 1 to 4 days can easily be arranged to meet your organization’s training needs in terms of specific topics and depth of study.

Wheel Force Transducers


We have over a decade of experience in the successful design and implementation of on and off road wheel force transducers for major automotive and off-road equipment OEMs.  These transducers saw extensive and mainstream use in road loads acquisition and servo-hydraulic durability testing.  We know wheel force transducers inside out and can assist you in this all important technology area.  Our wheel force transducer services range from custom design to evaluation and selection of commercial systems.  We can also run discriminating tests to determine the extent of crosstalk, drift, and "ripple" in individual transducers and have the knowledge to evaluate and counter these effects when possible.  We will help you sort out the real data from residual error signals that are inherent in these highly complex transducers systems.




Fatigue Analysis and Durability Test Design


With years of experience in durability testing, fatigue analysis, and measurements, we can provide the support you need to understand and solve metal fatigue issues.  We can also design effective durability test programs and determine the loads needed to validate the fatigue life of your components and structures.




Expert Witness and Litigation Support


When parts break and things go wrong, testing and data collection are often needed to determine the root causes.  Midwest Dynamics is the right choice for this.  With 20+ years of OEM fatigue, durability, and measurement engineering experience, we will design tests and make measurements to capture critical conditions and/or test various hypotheses relating to incidents under investigation.  We then follow up with a physics based analysis of the data and a clear and easily understood explanation of our findings.


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